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參展客戶: 运时通家具集团

設計概念: 天圓地方 (內圓外方)


天圓地方除了象徵着宏偉的世界觀外,更取其天圓代表客戶所代理服務的産品品牌交滙的和諧圓融。地方意味着生產工藝上的嚴𧫴執着。 整個展位曲線和非對稱線條構成,柔美雅致,富有有節奏感,與整體文化宣設計及展示館產品融在一起,營造出濃厚的確居家氛圍,充分彰顯出業主的格調與精神。從功能劃分區域為七品牌形象分區簡單明卻又細致地規劃出豐富的功能性。

運時通_美得麗 運時通_艾绿 運時通_蓆樂頓 運時通_蕾絲3 運時通_金时通 運時通_金时通2



美國蕾絲床墊專賣店視覺識別指引: 蕾絲床墊以高度標準的品質與服務,8次榮獲美國消費者文摘最佳購買獎、4度榮獲美國女性選購獎。其全球首創中位元護背線結構,強化床墊中央1/3處的支撐性,完美貼合人體曲線,創造最適合人體睡眠的舒適環境。








點擊觀看更多設計案例: https://www.behance.net/new_york_design

New York Design appointed to create and design a new identity for 富邦移民顧問 Goodwill Immigration Consultants (GICL); following a competitive pitch against two other agencies.

Kate Kay L., director of Goodwill Immigration Consultants, said of the appointment: “We chose New York Design as our design and brand consultant because their response to our brief showed a real understanding of the brand and how our services and our professional expertise can be reflected into the competitive market, giving GIRL stand out from the others." 



要解答品牌是什麼? 可以簡單從標誌 LOGO、顏色 COLOR,標準字體 FONT 這三部分解釋…

標誌 IDENTIFIER – 公司的視覺呈現,文化的傳遞…
顏色 SCHEMES – 吸引目標的關注,容易辨識 …
字體 TYPEFACES – 適當的字體,確保品牌的一致性…

專業解說,淺顯易懂,聴者明白, 讓品牌視覺的價值發揮到極致。


元大金融控股份有限公司「元大金控公關簡介」YUANTA GROUP INTRO 2012, 除傳統印刷並轉換成電子書版本,方便讀者在任何時間地點使用電腦,平版電腦或智慧型手機 … 掃描 QR Code 應用程式標誌即時閱讀….

[…] http://issuu.com/yuantafinancialholdings/docs/group_intro_2012


New York Design 紐約設計顧問 was founded in 1983. We are a Taiwan base graphic design consultant, provide a comprehensive range of corporate identification services. Since our inception, we have been committed to charity and simplicity, to good taste, and to names and design solutions that make sense.

We believe in integrating superior strategic thinking, world-class design, and professional implementation to create cohesive, compelling corporate communication programs. No single component dominates our approach. Designers frequently play a role in devising strategies and our project managers become actively involved in design. Every one in the team is deeply committed to professional, cost effective solutions.

We take great pride in providing simple, elegant solutions to complex problems. This philosophy in embodied in our design philosophy, Simple is the Solution and
Simple is Smart.

New York Design had received numerous recognitions and accolades. Our works has also appeared in some of the major international publications and graphic journals.

STUDIO WEBSITE 紐約設計顧問-官方網頁 :  http://www.newyorkdesign.com.tw
OUR SERVICES 紐約設計顧問-服務項目 : http://www.behance.net/newyorkdesign
OUR CUSTOMER 紐約設計顧問-案例示範 : http://www.behance.net/new_york_design/frame

成立於1983年,紐約設計顧問/林子翔文化事業有限公司在台灣是歷史悠久的品牌及 平面設計 顧問公司。由來自香港的 林顯棋 (Michael Lamson); 和美國的 羅俊逸 (Philip Lawlor) 所創辦。過去30多年來,紐約設計提供包括視覺設計顧問,企業識別,企業識別系統,品牌創建,品牌策略,商品/企業命名,商業簡報諮詢,包裝設計,企業年報,電子年報,電子互動年報,產品型錄,網站設計 製作等 … 專業服務予各類型企業及機構。

紐約設計之優質服務獲得客戶一致的肯定與讚賞,設計案例中有許多企業是目前世界知名的品牌,如:遠東商業銀行, 運時通傢具集團, 美國席樂頓名床,台北歐洲商務協會,光寶集團, 日月光集團, 中國石油… 其作品亦曾經多次被國際性刊物及設計雜誌所報導。






E Ink Holdings Inc. ( 元太科技工業 Prime View Int’l Co., Ltd) signed a contract with New York Design 紐約設計顧問 to develop a 2010 Corporate Annual Report. This will be the first design annual report appointment from E Ink Holdings (元太科技) since it’s went public in 2004.

“We had evaluate number of design agency; and found New York Design is more qualify among others… we hired them to developed our 2010 Annual Report based on their rich experience and mature design aesthetic.” said Mr. Eddie Chang, CFO of Prime View International Co., Ltd.

New York Design will create a design themes that carried from cover design throughout the rest of the report; not only communicate E Ink’s financial but communicate E Ink’s group culture and brand identity. The annual report design leverage E Ink’s visual brand equity and tone of voice to deliver an authentic, consistent message to employee, shareholder and the community.

Announcing another new publication of NEW YORK DESIGN/Case Study; this is our on going in a series of our work accomplishments… provide information and sample demonstration on a good brand and branding design… a great tool to showcase you business and products…

Online view and download: http://issuu.com/New.York.Design/docs/brand_rebrand

New York Design is a Taiwan based brand, branding, brand strategy and full service graphic design consultant. New York design had received numerous recognition and accolades. Our works also appeared in some of the major international publications and graphic design journals.

成立於1983年,紐約設計/林子翔文化事業有限公司在台灣是歷史悠久的品牌及平面設計顧問公司。紐約設計之優質服務獲得客戶一致的肯定與讚賞,設計案例中有許多企業是目前世界知名的品牌,如:運時通傢具集團, 美國席樂頓名床, 美國蕾絲床墊, 精益科技, 倫飛電腦, 遠東商業銀行, 歐洲商務協會, 光寶企業集團, 日月光集團… 其作品亦曾經多次被國際性刊物及設計雜誌所報導。

New York Design – http://www.newyorkdesign.com.tw

中華航空公司加入天合聯盟 (天合聯盟為國際航空聯盟,聯盟航空公司提供會員無遠弗屆的全球服務網絡,擁有更多航點、更高頻率班次及與世界更多連結的優勢。) SKYTEAM AIRLINES ALLIANCE 簽約儀式暨記者會在北市中山南路國家音樂廳, 慶祝晚宴地點在士林區至善路台北故宮晶華…

SkyTeam is a global airline alliance providing customers from member airlines access to an extensive global network with more destinations, more frequencies and more connectivity. Passengers can earn and redeem Frequent Flyer Miles throughout the SkyTeam network. SkyTeam member airlines offer customers over 420 lounges worldwide. The thirteen members are: Aeroflot, Aeroméxico, Air Europa, Air France, Alitalia, China Southern, Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Kenya Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Korean Air, TAROM Romanian Air Transport and Vietnam Airlines. SkyTeam offers its 385 million annual passengers a worldwide system of over 12,500 daily flights to 898 destinations in 169 countries. SkyTeam celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2010.

Corporate Literature & Product Brochure – Case Study  紐約設計 設計案例分享 – 日揚科技真空鍍/巨豪實業股份有限公司/三陽機車/中華航空