
Tag Archives: 企業年報

Tell Your Story With A Good Design
A good designed company introduction can improve a professional approach and staying ahead of your competition.
New York Design brings together effective communication, strong content structures, interesting infographics, outstanding design and production both printed and internet distribution.



元大金融控股份有限公司「元大金控公關簡介」YUANTA GROUP INTRO 2012, 除傳統印刷並轉換成電子書版本,方便讀者在任何時間地點使用電腦,平版電腦或智慧型手機 … 掃描 QR Code 應用程式標誌即時閱讀….

[…] http://issuu.com/yuantafinancialholdings/docs/group_intro_2012


E Ink Holdings Inc. ( 元太科技工業 Prime View Int’l Co., Ltd) signed a contract with New York Design 紐約設計顧問 to develop a 2010 Corporate Annual Report. This will be the first design annual report appointment from E Ink Holdings (元太科技) since it’s went public in 2004.

“We had evaluate number of design agency; and found New York Design is more qualify among others… we hired them to developed our 2010 Annual Report based on their rich experience and mature design aesthetic.” said Mr. Eddie Chang, CFO of Prime View International Co., Ltd.

New York Design will create a design themes that carried from cover design throughout the rest of the report; not only communicate E Ink’s financial but communicate E Ink’s group culture and brand identity. The annual report design leverage E Ink’s visual brand equity and tone of voice to deliver an authentic, consistent message to employee, shareholder and the community.